The Resource Game

Discord signup

The game

Each of you needs things that other people in the room have. These resources are represented by letters.

However, you are only “friends” with a small number of people. These are the people that you can communicate with, ask for resources, and give resources to.

The goal is to get the resources that you need as quickly as possible.


  • Only communicate through written messages, to neighbors
  • Give resources by sending ‘$give jdfoote A’ to the NetworkGameBot
  • If you forget what you have/need, send ‘$status’
  • If you are an observer, send ‘$status’ to get an updated network graph
  • You can continue playing after you have all resources, if you want

How did it go?

  • What worked well?
  • What didn’t?
  • Who was fastest? Why?
  • What was the longest path a resource traveled?

Global network

Debrief topics to cover

  • Degree centrality
  • Reciprocity
  • Social capital
  • Structural holes
  • Reputation and deceit
  • Position and power
  • Multiplexity
  • Number vs. type of ties (centrality measures)

Debrief topics to cover

  • Global/local networks
  • Tie maintenance
  • Sponsorship
  • Norms and social conventions

Meta discussion

  • How does this differ from real-world networks?

  • What does this make you see differently?