Welcome to COM 411: Communication and Social Networks!

About me

Dad Joke

Why did the nearsighted man fall in the well?

He couldn’t see that well!


  • Name
  • Year
  • Major
  • Closest connection to a famous person

What is Communication and Social Networks?


Social networks are much more interesting!

  • How do groups make decisions?
  • How do fads and fashions and misinformation and diseases spread?
  • How do our connections influence our perceptions about and behavior in the world?

Who you are connected to can be more important than who you are

Who you are connected to can be more important than who you are


  1. Understand the foundations of network theory and analysis
  2. Critically read social network studies
  3. Learn how social networks relate to your own interests
  4. Gain a basic understanding of gathering and analyzing network data in R

How we reach those goals

About the class

  • Building a learning community
  • Discussions vs. lectures
  • Resolving confusion
  • Project-based


  • Normal grading has some negative unintended consequences

  • How can we build a learning community?


  • I’m interested in teaching, not assessing
  • Goal is to build structures that encourage learning and accountability
  • Assignments will be turned in on Brightspace and/or discussed in class
  • I will provide general feedback
  • 3 times during the semester you will turn in reflection pieces
  • If I disagree I will reach out

Class Meetings

  • Most content is asynchronous
    • Readings + Video lectures
  • Tuesdays
    • Time discussing + reviewing concepts and homework
    • Random cold calling
  • Thursdays
    • Activities
    • R Labs
    • Co-working / Office Hours

Class meetings

  • I will work hard to make our classes valuable
  • Do the same; be prepared, open, and engaged
  • Class discussions are a fundamental part of the class and I expect you to be at every class


  • Homework
    • Social network concepts
    • Programming practice
  • Reading
    • 3-2-1 on Brightspace
      • 3 things you learned / connections made
      • 2 questions / things that are still confusing
      • 1 discussion question for class
    • Discussion Questions due Monday at noon


  • Academic papers
    • Typically linked from wiki
    • A few on Brightspace (I will make this clear)
  • Textbooks
    • Networks, Crowds and Markets
    • Introduction to social network methods


  • You will understand what this means! :)
create_notable('zachary') %>%
  activate(nodes) %>%
  mutate(group = as.factor(group_infomap())) %>%
  ggraph(layout = 'kk') +
  geom_edge_fan(width=.2) + 
  geom_node_point(aes(color = group), size = 5) +


  • One exam
    • Goal is to encourage self-accountability

Final Project


  • Group project: network-based intervention (e.g., spreading an idea on campus)
  • (Group?) research project: analysis of network data
  • “Pitch” to an organization about how what you have learned could be used to help their organization



  • Conversation and questions
  • Help
    • In general, ask publicly so others can answer / see the answer

Course Website

  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Lecture videos and slides
  • Links to readings
  • Links to assignments
  • Let me know what’s broken


  • Some readings
  • Submit assignments

Office Hours

  • Tuesdays, 2-4
    • Also open to meeting virtually

Please be vocal

  • I will solicit feedback as part of reflections
  • Let me know what is and isn’t working


  • Read the syllabus
  • Fill out the reflection on Brightspace
  • This Thursday will be a (fun!) synchronous activity
  • Bring your computer, if possible!
  • Make sure you are signed up on Discord
