Dad Joke
Bro, can you pass me that leaflet?
Self Reflections and feedback
- Make sure to get them in
- Overall, things are going well
- Poll Everywhere for discussion questions - add them and vote now
- Videos + readings on centrality and power
- How do we measure who is important and influential?
- Thursday
- Ego network activity
- More co-working time
- What is an “ego network”?
- What is the “cognitive activation” of a network?
- Why might SES be related to which networks are activated in stress?
- What are the benefits of having a dense ego network?
- What are the benefits of having a sparse ego network?
- What are some reasons that you think friendship can be asymmetrical?
- Is there such thing as a “true” social network? How could we find it out?
- What are some ways that our perceptions of a network could influence our behaviors?
Discussion Questions
- Goffman and networks
- Surveys as questionable data sources
- How else could we measure networks?
- Ego vs. nodes
Strategies when R code doesn’t work:
- Simplify
- print()
- ChatGPT
- Google!
- Friends
What do our ego networks look like?
- From time to time, most people discuss important matters with other people. Looking back over the last 6 months, who are the people with whom you discussed matters important to you?
Making Connections
- Make an edgelist for each connection, with tie strength of:
- Total strangers: 0
- Especially close: 1
- In between: .5
Write attributes of your connections to a node attribute file
- Sex
- Education (years of education)
- Race
- Age
- Kin or non-kin (are they related to you?)
Calculate your statistics
- Network size
- Kin network size
- Non-kin network size
- Density
- Age heterogeneity
- Education heterogeneity
- Race heterogeneity
- Sex heterogeneity (proportion in majority)
Importing and visualizing in R
- Remember